Saturday 9 July 2016

Google's 'Disavow' Tool Dealing With Bad Backlinks

If you have shown interest in this article then either you must be the one who is facing an issue of bad backlinks which is extremely difficult to deal with or you want to know more about the latest

Google’s update about ‘Disavow’ tool. So you have reached the right place to get some relevant information regarding Google’s Disavow tool.

This article will help you understand that how you can take help of Google’s Disavow tool in order to deal with bad backlinks. So the bad backlinks which are bothering you so much can be easily dealt with the Google’s Disavow tool which permits webmasters to inform Google that they don’t want some specific links from external sites to be reviewed as part of Google’s system of considering links to rank a web site.

As explained earlier this can be easily done by using Google’s Disavow tool. This is a great opportunity for those webmasters who were facing major difficulties in getting rid of these bad backlinks.
Few important traits of this feature are as follows:

Disavow Links may do more harm than good:
Great features never comes with a guarantee of profit it may also harm you in many ways. Some SEO service companies in India have used this feature and harmed the rating of their client’s website unknowingly. So you must be careful in setting up your link request file because it may also by mistake include the links which are not malevolent and negatively affect your ranking position.

The tool should be used only in the event of a proven attack
Knowing about the pros and cons of the feature any webmaster or SEO service user must use this feature only after getting cent percent sure about the bad backlinks. Otherwise your effort will go all waste.

Disavow Links might not help your website results at all:
Since there is no such clear information from Google’s end about the procedure of incorporating or using data fetched from this particular feature it may be possible that this feature does not make any betterment for your website but since you know it also has some cons so it’s always better to hire some good SEO service company for this type of work.

Now after going through this article you must be well informed about the Google’s Disavow tool and it would be easy for you to take the decision of going further with the feature or not.

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