Friday 15 July 2016

Social Media: 5 Signs You Are Using It Wrong

Social media marketing - a powerful marketing tool can be a big game changer in the business world if explored in an effective manner. The beauty of social media is it’s free, quick, easy to setup and 

you connect with your potential target audience instantaneously and engage with them. But used the wrong way, unsuccessful social media programs can have an adverse impact on your social following and business at large. Here are 5 critical signs you may be using wrong:

1. Updating posts too infrequently. Successful social media campaigns require commitment to regular posting and updating schedules. Posting once a week or lesser is a sign of danger. It is imperative to make updates from time to time so that your followers come flocking to your profile and get the information they are seeking otherwise they will quickly lose all interest.

2. You aren’t gaining many or new followers. The success of social media marketing companies in India or elsewhere is to a large extent directly proportional to building a substantive social following. If, in spite of your best marketing efforts your social following is not growing, this is an indication that what you are publicising (provided you are posting on a regular basis) is not of much interest to a larger number of people across wider demographics. The need of the hour is to introduce new ideas and thoughts that will engage the existing followers as well attract new fans and keep them interested.

3. You ignore the Magic word- “Engage”.
Social media is a portal to engage the views, thoughts, ideas and perspectives of your fans and followers. Social media as the name suggests is all about building relationships .Constant broadcasting of your views and thoughts in the digital arena will lead to a one way communication process and will isolate you from the powerful benefits that can be nurtured through engagement of one and all.  To encourage brand advocacy, and keep customers happy; you must listen to your fans’ needs. Social Media Optimization Services play a vital role to enhance customer engagement and communicating regular updates to a set of targeted audience.

4. You treat your social posts as advertising tools.
Social media marketing profiles should not be exploited as just another channel for carrying out sales and marketing activities. This could have a negative impact on your followers they may chose to opt out. Promoting your business if at all should be should be done in the most subtle way. The posts you share and the updates you make on the social portals should be entertaining, conversational and of interest of the followers to keep the engaged.

5. You auto post the same content across all your social networks.
Each social media networking website is different and has been created to target different set of audience. The use of Social Media Optimization Services comprising networking sites like twitter, facebook, google+ etc., help in to create brand awareness for different types of  businesses, generation of new sales prospects and to draw attention of prospective customers.  The type of audience that engage on Facebook are different from those who engage on Linkedin. Moreover the type of content that is intended for a particular website may have no relevance what so ever on the other platform and so it’s important to treat each portal within the nature it was created for than just auto posting the same content across the board to all your social media profiles. If you want to increase traffic on your portals, give followers a reason to follow you by ensuring value and creating meaningful conversations and not by auto posting the same content everywhere.

There are many social media marketing companies in India which fall in these traps easily. If you fall into any of the above traps, it's time to re-evaluate and re-structure your social media marketing strategy.

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